Thursday, March 13, 2008

Home Improvement : Bessey SVH400XL SVH Flooring and Clamping System

Bessey SVH Clamping System,

April 7, 2000
Being a professional flooring installer, I have had the opportunity to try numerous laminate flooring clamps. The Bessey SVH Flooring and Clamping System is the only one on the market to have a strap length of 24'. Competitors' clamps are normally only 18'. The design of the clamp ensures that you will never chip or mar the flooring surface while providing more clamping pressure than you will ever need. The thumb screw on the front of the clamp virtually eliminates the need for spacers around the perimeter of the room. Overall,I highly recommend the Bessey SVH Flooring and Clamping System for both professionals and do it yourselfers.

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