Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home Improvement: Use Help to Get Things Done

Let's face it: it's too easy to put off projects around the home. With a busy work schedule, kids and other interests, not to mention the need for some down time, it's a wonder anything gets done around the house and yard. But a group in Madison NJ have an inspiring way to motivate themselves and get their projects finished. These families take turns helping each other work on their homes.

Once a month between June and October, the group of four families gets together at the home of who ever's turn it is to have their project worked on. The group meets early in the morning, sharing coffee and breakfast while discussing what is to be done that day. The host family is responsible for feeding their workers. The group also shares childcare for these work days, an imperative step towards getting the job done! The workers don't complain, but set themselves to the task at hand, knowing that when their turn comes, they'll reap the rewards of this buddy system.

There are a few reasons why this system works. First, it makes procrastination impossible. With a set schedule, and the commitment of others, it is almost impossible to avoid doing the job. Which brings me to the second point, which is that this system makes home improvement a social opportunity. While the families are definitely doing some hard work, they are also making time to talk and joke around a bit, things that make the work not seem so much like work.

Third, have you ever heard the expression "many hands make light work?" By working together, their jobs are done faster, so unpleasant renovations are not hanging over their heads for so long. Not to mention that something isn't as heavy when someone else is helping you hold it, or as awkward when someone steady's it for you. By sharing the job, whatever job it is, these families are making it easier on themselves.

The families have set good boundaries for themselves, as well. They work until 2 p.m. That way no one feels like they've lost their entire day. The host family gets five hours of labor to either complete, or at least get a good start on a major project around their home. No one gets burnt-out or over-worked, and everyone gets the satisfaction of knowing they are a part of a unique and working relationship.

This idea is inspiring, and more families would do well to take the example of this NJ group. I bet if everyone had a group to work with like this, all our houses and yards would be in better shape. Hey, property values could rise and we'd all be better off.

About the author:
This article was written on behalf of Susan Zanzonico, New Jersey real estate professional. Considering a move? Search for real estate in Summit NJ.

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